Coutts Reunion, Midhurst, Springwater, ON, Canada
man‎William Garrick 0.37 Carruthers‏‎, son of Richard George Carruthers and Jane 0.3 Coutts‏.
Born ‎ 1879 Avening, Clearview, ON, Canada, died ‎ 1965‎, age 85 or 86 years

Married ‎ 1924, age 44 or 45 years (married 40 or 41 years) to:

womanJessie Murray‏, age by marriage 37 or 38 years
Born ‎ 1886, died ‎ 1984‎, age 97 or 98 years


woman‎Mary 0.371 Carruthers‏‎
Born ‎ 1925 Avening, Clearview, ON, Canada, died ‎ 1925‎

manRobert Garrick 0.372 Carruthers‏
Born ‎ 1926-09-21 Avening, Clearview, ON, Canada‎, age 98 years

manArthur Victor 0.373 Carruthers‏
Born ‎ 1928-05-25, died ‎ 1993‎, age 64 or 65 years

Coutts Reunion, Midhurst, Springwater, ON, Canada

- Coutts Reunion Association -